#52 3 condition drills

This week we have 3 condition drills to improve the players and team condition. Do the condition exercises several times a year and monitor the players and team performance before and after the condition exercises.

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#50 Passing and score a goal drill – part4

In Passing and score a goal drill part4 we will show you another passing soccer exercises. With this exercise it is important that the players give correct passes and that the players communicate well with each other so they can give and get the right pass and can score a goal.
With this exercise you can improve the passing skills and scoring skills.

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# 49 Passing Pattern – Part 2

This week we will focus on Passing Pattern – Part 2 drill. with these soccer exercises it is important that each player gives a good pass. Due to the right pass the players will get in touch with each other so that the game and the match in the match are improved.

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#48 Box passing game drill

The Box passing game drill is made to practice to give the correct passes in the small spaces. Players must play the ball as quickly as possible. In these soccer exercises they must decide quickly to which player to play the ball. Because they have to make decisions quickly, you also improve handling speed, passing speed and condition.

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#47 FC Barcelona Wall Pass, Spinning & Turning Activity drill

The FC Barcelona Wall Pass, Spinning & Turning Activity drill, is inspired by an exercise of the FC Barcelona training.
In this soccer exercise the player must stay focused because in this FCBarcelona soccer drill the focus will be on high-speed passing and moving. When you do this on high speed you improve the player’s condition, focus and passing precision. When all players stay focus during the soccerexercises it helps also to improve the passing speed in the match.

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#46 Borussia Dortmund 3 Players passing Combination

The Borussia Dortmund 3 Players passing Combination drill is inspired by an exercise of the Borussia Dortmund training.
In this soccer exercise the focus is on the player passing skills, passing speed and ball control.
With the Borussia Dortmund 3 Players passing Combination drill, you can improve the player’s passing skills and ball control, but also the condition of the player.

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#45 Sprint and score a goal duel drill

The Sprint and score a goal duel drill has been created to improve the condition skills and scoring skills of the players through a duel (competition).
With these soccer exercises you work in a competitive way on the scoring skills and on the players and team condition.
with the game you create a nice battle between the teams.

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#44 Slalom, sprinting and score a goal drill

Slalom, sprinting and scoring a goal drill, is made to improve the player’s sprinting, condition and goal shooting skills. When you do this soccerexercises on high speed the players can improve the condition, running speed and also the efficiency to score a goal.

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